Wall Products

Pre-insulated Steel Header

Pre-insulated Steel Header Sill.
The E-Header/Sill was developed to offer a lighter duty option to the E-Beam and E-Beam HD. It has the same pre-fabricated insulation void fill capabilities that all of the Enviro-Beam products offer.

Pre-insulated alternative to the Standard Dual Stud.
The E KingTM has been designed to eliminate the welding or strapping of king stud and column support applications, while providing a pre-insulated alternative to the standard dual stud welded method.

Pre-Insulated Steel Framing for Outside Corners

Roofing Products

A Labor Saving alternative to standard 'Curb Build-up' on commercial roofing systems.
The E Beam Roof Curb was developed from the basic Enviro-Beam product as a labor saving option to eliminate the need for curb "build up" on commercial flat roofs.

E- Mechanical Curb

E-Skylight Curbs with our patented steel shape offer a thermally broken option with a R- 7.5 insulation value while maintaining a 1.5" width required for standard skylights.
The E-Skylight Curb was developed as an insulated option to fill the void in skylight curbs.
The Skylight industry has made great strides in improved insulation capabilities of skylight units.
The curbs these units sit on, however, remain void of insulation.
The E-Skylight curb is constructed of extruded polystyrene sandwiched between light gage steel channels.